
Showing posts from January, 2017

Initial Perception Poster Design

What Are You Looking At? Here is the initial poster for my FMP concept on perception. The main focus when I was creating this poster is to make it difficult to stare at for too long which I think has worked pretty successfully (See if you can stare at it for more than ten seconds without your vision getting blurred). Furthermore this is disorientating our perception and is in some way an illusion to our eyes.


Kinegrams , which are now popularly reffered to as Scanimations are a special form of animation containing six frames. I came across this technique as I was researching into different forms of illusions. It creates not only the illusion of movement but a whole animation which appears to make the image move. In other words, it's using papers specially designed to create an animation instead of it being shown digitally which I think is not only amazing but exciting to watch more so than a digital animation. This works by placing and alligning an acetate overlay which is usually black and containing vertical stripes over a specially prepared image and moving the acetate paper from right to left. The most beautiful thing about these Scanimations are the mesmerising animated illusions and how complicated it can look before the black acetate is placed over the image to create the illusion. It reminds me of seeing a flipbook as a child and watching as the pages were turned qu

Welcome to The Blog - FMP Concept

FMP - Perception For my initial FMP concept, I have begun to explore the theme of Perception. The way we perceive things differ as individuals, moreover it's also subjective to what we are percieving which controls our opinions, thoughts and emotions. Emotions and feelings in particular are what I want the final outcomes of my deliverables to bring out in people, whether they're positive or negative, a variety or similar, as long as people feel a strong emotion and feeling for the work, is my aim. Initially, I had thought about the idea of Media Control and just how much they control someone's opinion on the world, how much the Media can manipulate and fabricate news for their own ideals and agendas but which in turn relates to we as the people who perceive the world due to the media or in contrast, completely distrust the mainstream media. However, I found this concept to be a common idea to base my work on so I continued developing the idea to which led me to a new c